Friday, October 12, 2012


If you've been reading issue 1, particularly the last 10 pages or so, you've probably seen a bunch of characters who have yet to be mentioned by name. I'm going to be posting some of my sketches and drawings of these characters and we'll be expanding the character bio section of the site very soon. Here's a drawing I did of Tank, a member of the Bravo Team. He's the big dude who Nolo got the better of in the play fight on pages 20 and 21 (seen below).

In other news, issue 1 is almost done! There are about 6 more pages to go. As we move into the home stretch of issue 1 I'm working really hard to stick to my every other Monday schedule for uploading a new page. The next scheduled date is Monday, October 22nd. I'm juggling a lot of deadlines, but I'm working hard to get page 22 done on time. We have a lot of cool plans for the direction of the series after issue 1 is complete, including a format that will make it possible for us to get on a more regular weekly schedule for releasing comics. Stay tuned for more info, and keep checking in. Thanks for reading!


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